Welcome to

‘The Dojo’

“Do not be startled if you’re stopped at the door, only the real are welcome.” ~ Sensei

Trnd 98.5 ‘The Dojo’ is an independent internet radio station in the midwest. Our sole purpose is to bridge the gap between industry level artistry and direct consumers.

“Imagine what we’d all be like in our own game.” —


We believe the only thing that separates the artists featured on our station from those you hear in through your car stereo is exposure; that’s where we come. Artists get the chance to sharpen their skills against the best in the vicinity while reaching listeners throughout the country who are interested in rising stars. Featuring the most talented artists the midwest has to offer.

Wondering if you’re worthy?


Uses their platform to express and convey one’s reality and has the gall to stand in ones truth.


The uncontrollable evolving emotion towards the beauty and art of creating music.

These are the four assets seen in the artist that are currently in rotation.


Constantly meets at the crossroads of informing and entertaining in an original manner.


Uses their pain and testimonies to bring the amenity of relatability to those who qualify.

The more real you get, the more unreal it’s gonna get.
— John Lennon